St Kilda Festival 2003
Having to sneak past the bouncers (yes I have a pass out - it's just washed off my hands) to get past the
(no more entry as we are way over the limit in terms of numbers). Rocket Science played infront of a way over packed backyard
stage. A loud raucus set highlighted by an extnded version of 6 foot 4 (with Roman back on Keys yet still managing to sneak
in a stagedive on to the way overcrowded area). The boys were definetly playing some of their best to this over full crowd.
From a crowd point of view this gig was extremly dangerous - there several people who decided to climb the
walls from outside in order to gain a view (as no entry was being allowed) - so one bright spark deiceded that throwing cans
of drink at the people would be fun - he got ejected amazingly quickly from the space where you just couldn't move.
The new stage area is great, but it is too small for the lineup that was on - they needed to be in a bigger,
more open and accessible area - which the espy on St Kilda festival can not provide - On a regular Sunday arvo - I think this
stage will be wonderful, just not so good for an over full house by a factor of about 400 people!!!!
Special mention must go to the guy who kept on getting up on stage and exposing himself to the crowd. Simple
message - put it away, and I didn't think it was that cold outside!!!!!!
Dave :)
Live Review |
Rocket Science, The
Anyones, Quirk
The Zoo: 13.09.02
It would be unfair to attribute tonights sardine-like Zoo (enough with the
sardine comparisons! Ed) to the current rocknroll revival without giving credit to Rocket Science and their reputation as
a rocking live show. Not to mention their commitment to touring. And then theres the Theremin.
Local band Quirk have secured
themselves the local support slot for the Red Hot Chilli Peppers shows, which is fitting in so much that Quirk sound like
theyre trying to emulate some of the Peppers lesser works. There are extremely cohesive moments during their set as they defy
their three-piece limitations and gel into a tight unit, but they lose their way elsewhere. Quirks strength seems to lie in
laying down a juicy bass groove and meshing together their elements on this foundation.
It seems The Anyones are caught
in an identity crisis. On the one hand, theyre capable of writing some gorgeous melodies that catch the ear and warm the soul,
such as their opening numbers this evening. An amalgamation of rich guitar tones, vocal harmonies and flute all combine to
delight the senses. However, The Anyones also seem to stray in to the field of eccentric pop, which makes up the majority
of tonights set.
Again, all the right elements are there guitar riffs and poppy hooks to suck
you along with an added sense of fun that seems to stem from the combined power of the mullets onstage. That all said, Pocket
earns the nod for tonights standout.
Theres an expectant air amongst the crowd as Rocket Science take their positions, similar to that of townspeople awaiting a touring religious revival.
Nothing of tonights performance disappoints, from the stop-start feel and
snarling bass line of Heavy Traffic through to the instrumental Tomorrows Soundtrack for Todays Swinging Generation.
The ever-animated Roman Tucker is on fire tonight, spitting lyrics with biblical
ferocity while pumping thick grooves from his keyboard. Yet hes at his best speaking the language of the Theremin, aiming
his right hand at the aerial in the shape of an L with marksman-like precision. The Theremin subtly responds to his smallest
movement Tucker gently moving his other fingers like a madman playing the worlds most sensitive, invisible vertical keyboard.
One Robot is sounding fine, but the killer double of Being Followed with
its awesome groove and the demonic Burn In Hell is unbeatable. Their electric delivery gets the rock and the roll out of everybody,
with a bit of Stones swagger thrown in for good measure.
A show this good proves that traditional rocknroll may come and go out of
style, but it will never die. DARREN SWAN |
Splendour In The Grass Byron Bay July 20 2002
Rocket Science performed to an audience who was largely unexposed
to this retro live powerhouse of keyboards and guitars. Laying it on thick, the band members displayed cool exteriors as they
steadfastly plunged through a range of hip shaking, groove driven tracks from their first two albums.
Brightly coloured fat-butted guitars and the dominant centre
keyboard intensified their signature style. While the lead singer writhed like Mike Jagger, and the bassist methodically fed
the strings with vigor, we were tantalized by the lead guitar solos, particularly for the latest single Being Followed.
The Amplifier Bar Perth 19 April 2002
Found myself at the Amplifier Bar in Perth on Friday night just
gone. Rocket Science got me movin' so we decided we'd catch them on Sunday night at The Newport in Fremantle. The gig went
off. I stood up the front, eyes fixed on the stage, bass line pulsing through my body (courtesy of Dave). Fully hyped watching
Roman and Paul lead and totally and utterly inspired and physically moved by Kit's awesome drumming.
After the gig, with ears-a-ringin', I had the pleasure of meeting
Dave and Roman through my husband who used to live and play in Melbourne with Mr Tucker. While hubby and Roman Caught up I
had a quick chat with Dave.
Not only do these guys play fantastic music but they are genuine
down-to-earth fellas who love what they do. No "fame" related attitudes.
I really hope to see these guys succeed internationally. Theirs'
was the second gig I've ever been to and I'm guessing nothing else I see will compare with the music, vibe or experience I indulged
Hoping to travel to Melbourne from Perth soon(ish) to catch another
gig and to experience Melbourne shopping and vibes.
Cheers muchly for this
oppurtunity to share my joy!!!
Carly Stewart
The Corner Hotel Melbourne 13/04/02
I think the new trick of orgen swinging sucks as those of us
who stand back from the front row can see jack shit of what roman is doing down there!!!! It would be really groovy if the
organ could be raised above his head and we can see what keys he is hitting - otherwise that trick is really a waste of time.
Must say the set highlight would have to have been 6 foot 4 where
roman abandoned the organ and just sang for the song.
The playing in this gig was the best I have ever seen from them and
being a full house at the corner just lifted the intensity of every song. Playing infront of 800 people certainly helped give
this gig a big kick along.
Dave ;)
The Corner Hotel
After much time spent recording and touring, the boys from
Rocket Science finally returned to their hometown to launch their new album, Contact High. And what a welcome home it was!
Following perfectly selected supporting acts from Dallas Crane and Mess Hall, Rocket Science exploded onto the main stage
with the promise of a set overflowing with excitement. The atmosphere was filled with a sense of satisfaction that would not
dissipate. Even the lesser known tracks were received as enthusiastically as songs like One Robot and their current single,
Being Followed.
Roman Tuckers remarkably raw vocals were invariably substituted
with melodies from the keyboard; an aptitude few artists can boast. It is all too rare these days for bands to be able to
perform a song without words. Constant emphasis is placed on the vocalist of any given group, yet each member of Rocket Science
demands attention be granted to their own separate talents. At any given moment, one may find themselves drawn to a particular
member of the band; entranced by every chord struck, every beat produced. Each instrument is perfectly balanced and provides
its own hook. The outcome of this carefully calculated equation creates a refreshingly original sound that is Rocket Science.
As the set approached its conclusion, punters hoped an
encore would be performed. Just when it appeared as though this wish may not be granted, Rocket Science once again came through
with the goods.
Tucker, Gray, Maybury and Warhurst certainly do not conform
to the norm; each somehow managing to interact well with the crowd with minimal spoken words. The night ended with an awesome
performance of Six Foot Four, followed by a simple Thankyou. Their secret lies within their evidently profound understanding
of instruments and their contagiously positive energy. The result is the yet unmatched Rocket Science eminence - a brilliant
band to experience live.
RRR Rooftop 27/2/02 - Live to air on RRR
Quite simply the band had 30 minutes to play and impress - they got up there and played a very short but intesne
set, that just blew the gathered crowd away and probably blew a few away from their radios. The weather was absolutely perfect
a coolish but sunny evening, unlike the melting heat that was Mornington. Set list was.... Jet Lag Down the Pills Economic
Decline Heavy Traffic One Robot Being followed Run Like A Gun Burn in Hell Soundtrack for todays swinging
The sound was awesome, the only problems being Paul's guitar going on him in Being Followed, Kit dropping
his sticks twice (we'll blame the breeze) during Run like a gun and Roman's dodgy pedals causing his keyboards to drop
out during Run like a gun. During this time either Kit or Paul could have and should have stolen the limelight by doing the
lead vocals whilst Roman was cursing at his pedals, trying to get the sound back online. It is usual for bands to keep playing
after the radio bit has been completed - rumor has it that Matt Walker played an entire set's worth seeing as it is a bit
of a bastard climbing 3 floors of stairs, and theambience and sound on the rooftop is great, but Rocket Science were there
for half an hour of intensity - you could see how much effort they put in that it would have been a let down had they continued.
All in all things look good for the bigger live to air broadcast (Triple J) to a much larger radio audience. Dave ;)
Rocket Science / Tobi 1 Minke Bar Adelaide Fri
21 Dec 2001 Rocket Sciences launch of their new single One Robot at the Minke Bar was exeptional, partly because the ambience
of the venue added to the performance. Secondly, the small but intimate gathering was blown away by an awesome set from one
of Australias up and coming bands. Problems with the sound system resulted in a thirty-minute delay to the already late
schedule time of midnight. This was only a minor hiccup to the nights proceedings as the crowd were warmed up by Tobi 1. However
the crowd were there to see to see Rocket Science, and while waiting for the headliners primarily chose to drink and socialize.
Rocket Science commenced their set opening with International Jetset from their 2000 debut Welcome Aboard the 3C10. Fans
were then treated to a mix of songs from their forthcoming album, Contact High, and from Welcome Aboard the 3C10. There
were no weak moments in Rocket Sciences set: Paul Maybury and Dave Grays guitar and bass drove their trade mark sound while
Kit Warhurst was particularly energetic on drums. However, I was awestruck by the performance of vocalist/keyboardist Roman
Tucker. Tuckers vocals were awesome and he was dynamic on the organ. I, and probably others in the crowd associated the organ
with school assemblies and traditional church services, and had never expected as fresh and energetic as Roman Tucker made
it sound. Among musical highlights of the set was the new single One Robot, which has been receiving airplay on Triple
J. The extended introduction of Copycat increased the already high enthusiasm of the crowd, while past favorite Burn In Hell
concluded the set, before a three song encore. The instrumental title track of their debut album was another highlight, as
were new tracks entitled (according to the set list) heavy and Run. Rocket Science blew the small gathering at The Minke
Bar away, a fact was best demonstrated by my friend, unfamiliar with their work at the beginning of the night, who told me,
that he would now have to buy their album. The decor of The Minke Bar added to the unique atmosphere of the launch and the
crowd kept the 2002 release date for Contact High in their minds, awe struck by the gig they had just seen. Sarina Walls
dB magazine
The Corner Hotel Melbourne 30/11/01 It didn't really start happening until midnight. Sure, Legends
of Motorsport put in a fine wall of sound performance but worringly few were present to witness. A big space to fill, The
Corner. And even as the resplendent Rocket Science stepped to the stage, all dressed in black save for singer Roman Tucker,
shining in contrasting white, the venue was far from full. Was it the new improved sounds of Rocket Science that drew
the fans scurrying from the public bar and outside, or do people just not turn up to gigs until the headline band has started
these days? Whatever, by about the band's third song, and the stroke of midnight, the place was filled with a very different
atmosphere than that of half an hour earlier. The venue was almost full, people were hollering and punching the air and
turning to each other to compare compliments. The sound was superb, the guitar way up loud in the mix. Kit's drums and backing
vocals sitting just where they should, and Tucker's screams sailing way out in front. Most noticeably Tucker's organ and theremin
had settled down into the songs rather than becoming the out front gimmick they had threatened to in the band's early days.
Songs - that's what it was about, and what it's always about.Sure Rocket Science are twice the band they were in terms
of finding their sound - the psychedelic whig outs were still there, but far more controlled and incorporated into the songs,
the arrangements were tighter. It's all for the good of the songs and some of the band's newies, presumably to be included
on their new completed Contact High demonstrated stronger melodic sensibilities. A mid-set and extended One Robot was a masterpiece
and by the time they played Burn In Hell to open up the encore, they had the crowd worked up like dogs in a park. Martin
Jones Inpress Magazine
Black Rose 29/12/01 at the Punters Club Very close to a full house came in to see Black
Rose play for the first time in years and it seems that many of the old fans who used to see every gig had turned
up. Black Rose are the definition of a comic band (with all members wearing mullet wigs, going by the name they would
use if they were bogans and songs the represent all of what bogan culture is about. Crowd favourites such as I drive a
Holden and Byron Bay were sung as loudly by the crowd who knew all the words as the cover versions of Funky Town and Up
there Cazaly. As they used to do, they decided to play at least 4 encores and kept the crowd barking for more. The only things
wrong with this lineup is that they have 50,000,000 times more talent than any such bogan lineup would have and Rosso
is struggling to fit into his Collingwood Jumper ;) Dave
Meredith Music Festival 15/16 December 01 Rocket
Science impress more after ever sighting. Today they turn good mood into great mood with their brand of organ heavy retro
fromage. The mix goes down a treat as does stage presence and the power of hand. There is a surf `70`s sound that gets hips
moving as well as heads. If there was ever a better band to get a Rob Younger dance down to, it could only be Radio Birdman
themselves. The punk meets the coast is well displayed within the given vibe as it is amongst the punters. Highlight being
Copycat but its the whole set that stands out in the end. DIETER KRAUS
Check out these old Rocket Science Reviews .
MEGALONG VALLEY The Tote - Nov 1 2001 Watching Matt, Paul and Evan play was just pure bliss. Speaking to
Dave Gray before the gig- he did mention that they would sound nothing like Rocket Science and that it was somewhat louder.
What I got was a gig that I loved, full of chunky heavy riffs - sort of like a deeper version of the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
came to mind - with free flowing riffs, lead vocals from both Paul and Evan (the drummer). Some lovely work on the distortion
pedals from Dave on the bass and plenty of bass and electric guitar riffs. Dave

ROCKET SCIENCE Corner Hotel Melbourne Sept 7 2001 I personally felt that Rocket Science should have played
on the number 2 stage (there are 2 stages in the one room at the corner - this would have provided numerous advantages for
this gig. They would have been able to play longer than a 45 minute set as this set-up allows for a band to follow another
immediately and for the band playing support to finish later- thus have more punters in watching them. The 2nd stage at the
corner alsos puts the punters closer to the stage as it is a bit closer to the bar, and would allow the diehards for Spiderbait
to hang around the other stage. As for the set itself it was a little bit less energetic than usual - higlighted
by the staccato version of Run Like a Gun. A bit unfortunate that most of the crowd didn't rock up until late due to the footy
on at the MCG just down the road. Dave
Saturday September 18 1999 Melbourne Showgrounds A very unusual Rocket Science gig - a grand total of about 5 people
interested in what the boys were playing. Despite the lack of crowd energy the band managed to work up a storm in one of
the best outdoor sets that I have ever seen. Burn in Hell and Six Foot Four were some of the main highlights in a very intense
set - at least the band were enjoying what they were playing - get paid to have a jam session - allowing them to try stuff
out in a live format ;) David Blom

Minke Bar Adelaide 20/04/01 Rocket Science blasted onto the Minke Bar stage with the thumping "International
Jetset" and ended with "Jet Lag Down The Pills". The band performed newer songs, Snake,Economic,Sound, Action
(which I hope will end up on the new cd) as well as old faves "Six Foot Four,Run Like A Gun,Being Followed, Car Chase
and Copycat". As usual the punters went wild when the enigmatic Roman Tucker hit the opening chords to "Burn In
Hell", always the crowd favourite. The theremin action was well and truly happening and seeing Roman in full
flight had everyone mesmerized, But with such a strong stage presence Roman has, who wouldn't be?! Romans voice was
in top form and he belted out song after song with such energy, that his instruments rocked nearly as much as he did!
Superstar Kit Warhurst drummed like a madman which complimented the always cool looking Dave Grays hammering bass lines.
Paul Maybury as ever, was the true rockstar, fag in mouth pulling the rock moves and banging the shit out of his guitar.
Oh, he's also a bloody good guitarest as well. This guy knows his stuff. It's a pity the stage wasn't bigger, so we could
see more of his axe wielding talents. The crowd lapped up every moment of this hard rocking "real" band,
because thats what Rocket Science are, real musicians playing real music for real people, and don't the punters know it.
If you've never seen Rocket Science live, check them out next time they come to town, and have a wild time. You'll
talk about it for weeks and count the days till they come back. Karen T

Rocket Science - Live at the Wireless (broadcasted live on JJJ) Set list was as follows: 6 foot 4 Burn
in Hell Car Chase at 20,000 feet International Jetset Heavy Traffic Being Followed Run Like
A Gun Jet Lag Down the Pills Copy Cat Going Away One of the best quality performances Rocket
Science have ever done - certainly it brings glowing memories to the boys when you remind them of how well they played for
such a large radio audience - to nail every song perfectly. Quite interesting to note that this performance is about 5-10
minutes longer than the Welcome Aboard Album. The set brought us our first tastes of Run Like A Gun, Going Away and Heavy
Traffic. With the versions of Run Like A Gun, Copy Cat, Burn in Hell and Six Foot 4 being the standout performances along
with Roman's excessive use of the theremin at times, Paul's swapping over to the feedback guitar and the pure distortion volume
at the end of the set. Dave.
Falls Festival 31/12/00 Rocket Science were the band that really kicked the afternoon
off. As usual, and despite the heat, they had a fiery satanic energy, stemming from the organ which forms the foundation for
their songs. Burn In Hell was the pick of their set, but as usual they treated the crowd to some great new material.
Andy Brewer db magazine Heaven II Adelaide 13/10/00 (Boss
Hog Support) Rocket Science sent out song after song og great dirty rock'n roll, the crowd going especially
nuts for Burn In Hell. Andrew P Street db magazine Enigma Bar Adelaide
22/9/00 (cd launch) Rocket Science are a band that should they fall short of any expectations live, the results
would be devestating. Steve Jones db magazine Hopetoun Hotel 2/09/00
Not all that long ago I read a book by Homer H. Hickam called Rocket Boys, in which a group of youngsters living
in a mining town decide to build rockets. Rocket Science remind me of that scenario. Instead of being spurred
on my Russian engineering and employing the use of scrap metal and household chemicals, the band use retro guitar lines and
blues riffs to make the Hopetoun get down and dirty with them. It obviously works well, too - it's the first show I've been
to in a long time that was actually sold out. I'd be a liar if I said that there was something in particular
that stood out for me, but I would definitely like to give them another look at them before I cast judgement. They'll go
down a treat with the Boss Hog crowd when they open for them in a month or so. In an interesting footnote, the
oh so rock and roll antics of Rocket Science came to a sticky end toward the end of their set. I was sitting on the footpath
catching up with old friends while it occurred but I have been reliably informed that the guitarist jumped from the stairs
mid-song, collecting the cigarette machine and some surprised punters on the way to the floor. Let's hope everyone recovers
quickly and no one had to do without their B&H's as a result.

Enigma Bar Adelaide 22/09/00 (cd launch) Who need the John Spencer Blues Explosion when us Aussies have got Rocket
Science! Do Rocket Science know how to put on an in-your-face rock show? Yes! Friday night saw Rocket Science
blow the hell out of their anps, as well as the crowd at the Enigma Bar, for what was the launch of their Welcome Aboard
the 3C10 debut CD. It took only 10 seconds into their opening song Secret, for the crowd to go nuts and boogie on down.
This was one of those gigs that if you hadnt heard all of their songs beforehand, it didnt matter, because after
each song you were thinking, now that song was wicked, I have to get the album. In fact, every song they played was wicked,
with the obvious Triple J radio hits, Copycat and Burn In Hell, rocking the Enigma crowd the most. The majority of the tracks
they played were off their Welcome aboard the 3C10 2000 release, with a few new ones thrown in just to show that they have
a lot more songs in their catalogue. They finished off with an absolute madcap version of Get Out. The whole
gig witnessed Roman going bananas on his Hammond organ and the Theremin, while trying to sing - he pulled it off beautifully.
Paul had the classic rock star pose; playing the lead guitar with the fag hanging out of the mouth - I think hes done it before.
During the last song, Get Out, he bashed his guitar on the wall to achieve the distorted effect - now thats rock. (I dont
think the Enigma Bar owner was too happy about Paul leaving some dents in the wall). Kit (he was born to play drums with a
name like this) - who plays the skins like the late Keith Moon (The Who) and looks like Mani (ex-Stone Roses, currently Primal
Scream) - was just a drumming machine all night. And Dave (who looks like Mansuns guitarist) on bass, was just poetry in motion.
Go see these guys next time they come to town, because they are already hot property. Rocket Science knew how
to rock Adelaide all night. Darren Leach Date: 31/07/2000 Both kinds
of music in a '70s flashback Naming themselves Rocket Science, presumably as in "this is not", says
something about this Melbourne band's ethic. There is a raw, garage feel to their music - perhaps not surprising as their
debut album, Welcome Aboard the 3C-10, apparently came out of a casual, get-acquainted jam soon after they formed in 1998.
Introducing their biggest hit single Burn in Hell, guitarist Paul Mayberry deadpans this has got Riffs, AND
Vocals, like the line in The Blues Brothers about both kinds of music. What more do you need? But despite this,
Rocket Science is not a guitars-only band: frontman Roman Tucker plays a big Hammond organ in full rock pose, feet about two
metres apart; and occasionally a demoniacally howling theremin which he operates with Pentecostal flair, like he's conducting
some kind of rock 'n' roll exorcism. He struts spasmodically a la Joe Cocker, singing like a man possessed. Tucker
evinces a kind of showmanship that is not far from the intersection of the hammy rock show and the all-singing, all-dancing,
all-bullshit world of TV evangelism, but he does it naturally without getting bogged down in self-conscious irony or excessive
banter. The work of drummer Kit Warhurst is the engine that propels the show, pushing the band full-tilt through
each song. The whole effect is alarmingly retro: certainly visually they're somewhere between the Animals and Cream, even
at moments the Doors, but that could've just been bassist Dave Grey's Manzarekian hairstyle. Given an oil lamp
backdrop, the crowd at Manly Fishos could have been in the Whiskey Au Go Go in 1970. If not for the Wallabies jersey framed
on the wall. With their chaotic, garage-punk-smashing-into-blues riffs, the closest modern point of reference
is the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, but Rocket Science convey a confidence that isn't borne of imitation. Plus the Hammond
takes things in an altogether different direction to the bass-less American trio. As the band breaks into the raucous Hendrix-esque
swamp blues groove of Copycat, another song that's been getting some airplay, members of the audience start moving almost
without their own volition. It's a simple, repetitive groove, but damn it, it works. Kelsey Munro Sydney
Morning Herald
CD Reviews

Run Like A Gun UK
April 2003
(Eat Sleep Records)
Some bands wear their influences on their sleeves. Rocket Science, the
very latest wannabe rock kings to roll off the Antipodean production line, simply hear the songs they like, and steal them.
"Run Like A Gun" is an unabashed rip-off of The Who's 'I Can't Explain'.
For sheer unapologetic cheek they should be record of the week.
(PMcN) NME Magazine

Being Followed
July 2003
(Eat Sleep Records)
Rocket Science have a singer called Roman Tucker, which is probably the
greatest name in music today. the fact that he's from Melbourne makes it even better because, as anyone knows, "Tucker" is
Ocker for scran. So, he's called roman food - like barbecued quails and spice wine and cows stuffed with pigs stuffed with
chicken.Neat! And as in name, as in insomniac-spy-theme power-funk single: tasty! (PL)
NME July 5 2003

Contact High
July 2003
(Eat Sleep Records)
Down Under's latest garage scensters. Fearsome.
This is of course another type of UK garage. from Deep Purple , through
The Prisoners and Kula Shaker, there's a strong heritage of British men clad in floral shirts for whom the Hammond organ is
King, and in this tradition are Australian stompers Rocket Science.
So far, so Austin Powers, perhaps, but ther's an undeniable gusto
to what they're doing here. As there would arguably need to be. Rocket Science are fighting a modern war with the muscal equivalent
of an old flintlock pistol and a tri-cornered hat, so it's just as well the likes of 'Being Followed' illustrate the sheer
gutsiness of their stand. But here, at least, we find a group unafraid to lead with the heart not the head.
NME 19 July 2003 (John Robinson)

Rip It Up Magazine
With the re-jigged blast of garage rock n roll inspired mayhem of Rocket Sciences debut Welcome Aboard The 3C10 (an album
recorded as a demo! within the first few months of the bands existence), this exciting new Melbourne act seemed to hit all
the right buttons, pulling a heap of airplay and fans via promising rock n roll with an eye on tomorrow. That records singles,
the jerky drone of Copycat and the relentless Burn In Hell, offered an immediate lift to the sorry state of radio accepted
rock n roll (and no Im not including commercial radios because lets face it, they hardly count. Its down to community stations
and alternative stations such as Triple J to prove a band by the time the commercial stations jump on the bandwagon its usually
about five to ten years too late). Yet it was clear even back then, that the band would have to hone and develop their sound
if they were going to really make a play for the big time.
Well develop they have, and their sophomore effort is a much more fully realized effort than its successoreven if that
ones raw energy is occasionally missed. Its certainly a diverse affair, balancing rock n roll power with smooth, electronica
assisted grooves (like the rivulets of running water ambience of Hyperspace with hints of space cowboy and gentle In my heart
are both VERY smooth)
Still, for this listener, its how they apply themselves to rock n roll that really counts and its obvious theyre genuine
long time fans of the genre. They rock well in the mid tempos (always tricky when you rely on neither speed nor volume to
kick that ass), with the relatively mild Open Air Channel and exotic disco of Being Followed finding a neat middle ground:
yet the real strength here seems to be in the bleeps, bloops and chimes of the disconnected One Robot and more direct Going
Away. That said, I find myself returning most often to the remarkably addictive kinetic groove of opener Heavy Traffic (If
this aint a hit, someone needs to be shot), tense closing instrumental Tomorrows Soundtrack For Toadys Swinging Generation
(a cracker and no mistake) and Run Like A Gun (indebted to The Whos I cant Explain but heck they sure do it well), surely
their best moments on wax to date. The really frantic Crazy proves they know exactly when to turn the mania on, but for the
most part, the Mogodon seems to have brought the lads a calming sense of purpose.
The league they seem to be aiming for is that of Zoobombs, Brassy, Boss Hog and of course the ever morphing champions of
21st Century rock n roll, The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. Theyve certainly established a convincing and ambitious
signature for themselves here, driven by Roman Tuckers fruity ol organ and drummer Kit Warhursts slightly-sedated-Keith Moon-does-Gidget
beach beats. The results are infectious and quite heart warming as rock n roll fights to regain its rightful place at the
top of the heap in the new century. And hell. You can dance to this. Hallelujah!
CD Review |
Rocket Science Being Followed (Modular/EMI) Much like the previous One Robot, here these Melbourne light indie-rockers display a laudable
enthusiasm for their craft, but the results still bland, aimless, organ-washed meandering and not worth too much of your time.
To be honest, the songwriting heres pretty much below par so no amount of bombastic verve is likely to save its skin. From
the album Contact High. Oh and while
featured bonus cuts might not quite save the day they do further express the bands mild Doors/Died Pretty leanings so perhaps
its worth keeping a sly eye on em over the long run.
Juice Magazine
Rocket Science couldnt have timed the release of their 2000 debut Welcome Aboard The 3C10 ant better, as the ensuing type
on rock &roll revivalists like The Strokes, The Hives and The White Stripes placed the Melbourne four piece in good company.
The exponents of the 60s influenced garage punk rock again find the ideal climate in which to unleash a release with Contact
High a step on and up from the rough as guts garage debut. Pound Systems Woody and The Rev take up dial duties and while the
raw energy and passion that characterizes the bands live set is not lost, spacious sound exploration and quality. Production
adds a very pleasing new dimension.
The first single is indicative of this diversity. The eerie sci-fi "One Robot" combines a restrained offering from charismatic
frontman Roman Tucker, with a pulsing keys and guitar line and drummer Kit Warhursts solid backing. Similarly, the dark "Hyperspace"
unsettles with an unsettling beat, wound tight with unidentified unease.
Contact High benefits from more realized melodies now their earlier grating noise is controlled. "Open Air Channel" is
as glam a pop song as the band has written. While long time live favourites the funked up "Being Followed" and "Going Away"
and classic "Run Like A Gun" are led by solid bass and drums pierced with Tuckers typically anxious vocals.
Rocket Science could release another Welcome Aboard The 3C10 and have a hit. Thankfully they havent, instead, content to
hide behind the brash, explosive face, theyve pushed their sound. Closing with ambitious instrumental "Tomorrows Soundtrack
For Toadys Swinging Generation", rocks got life left yet.
Bronwyn Thompson

Rip It Up May 25 2000 Melbourne psyched up and energised organ-led groove maestros Rocket Sciences debut
album is a real head turner. The whole record is filled with go-go potential and with a bit of luck Triple J will recognise
the quality (all Australian!) and relieve us from the last six months onset of tedium and stale sameness. The rythmic
surf-guitar-meets-spaghetti-western predominantly instrumental way out 60s garage rocknroll influenced groove-trash and we
mean that in the best possible way is fiercely addictive stuff. According to common myth the band members Roman (ex Martians)
on vocals, keyboards and theremin, ex-pat Adelaide band veteran Dave gray (ex Freeloaders) on bass, and Kit (ex Manic Suede)
on drums, got together for a one-off jam and loved what resulted so much, they were compelled to keep it going. Lucky is
all I can say. After an ass-kicking intro from catchy Burn In Hell, the band quickly turn the lava-limelight onto
seriously slinky rockin. Break out the dance moves if youre going to try to handle the swinging Synchronise Us, jet-rhythm
Jet Lag Down The Pills or Six Foot Four. That beloved 70s lounge-pad wah-wah shines through Moscow To Kamchatka, its perfect
mood repeating like a bad yiros, with theremin-driven gusto on a later unpronouncable yeah baby freak -out. This goes even
further way out into psychedelia-ville for the brief Santana -on acid Transposer One & One Third. the undeniably plugged
in garage-rock comes bobbibg to the fore on both Copy Cat and a class-act excerpt from the very first jam night turning up
on the end, by way of the title track. Theres plenty more to discover too. What with the advent of kinky divebombers
like Jon Spencer Blues Explosion, Andre Williams, sixFTick, The Make-Up, Luxedo, Zoobombs, Boss hog, Kim Salmon & The
Business, Southern Culture On The Skids, The Delta 72, King Daddy, The Exotics, GT Stringer and The Satellites, Rocket Sciences
cause seems more than justified, and I sense a new fresher phase of rootsist-revision coming on. One where rocknroll reclaims
its right to move on up and dance like a mother fucker instead of the wooden, grooveless, testosto-wanker rock (and we wonder
why electronica has taken overdid it ever occur to you sexless wonders that rock- nrollers and yes that IS two words love
to dance to?) Rocket Science are pointing to the way of the futurepass me my board, Im surfin the crest of the freshest
old waves on the block. Nazz Juice Magazine 4/05/00 Not all rock is based around
a couple of guitars, a bass and a set of drums. Rocket Science do rock, and not so conventionally, either. Throw an organ
and theremin in the mix and you have something reminiscent of what Jon Spencer would sound like doing 1950s surf themes. Add
a couple of influences like the Phantom Surfers, Jimi Hendrix and The Saints, and suddenly you have a very interesting new
Australian outfit. Opener "Burn In Hell" is a punch-in-the-face punk rock song that launches
into some big guitars and hints at what might be in store on this debut. "Six Foot 4" is the most Spencer-reminiscent,
with erratic and distorted vocals laid on top of a pounding and repetitive rock tune. The funky "Copycat" starts
out like it could be nothing other than a "Foxy Lady" cover but when Roman Tucker delivers his strong vocals, the
band are instantly forgiven for what seems like an obvious appropriation. Tucker's vocals suit the music to a tee, coming
smack-bang out of the glorious early garage punk era. It's good to see instrumental tracks can be
added and be no less inferior up against the numbers with vocals, serving more as highlights than album fillers. "Jet
Lag: Down The Pills" is an upbeat, catchy tune which leads with the organ and is backed up by some handy drum work from
Kit Warhurst on the skins. The theremin combines beautifully with both the electric guitar riff and organ, its four minutes
passing all too quickly. The same can be said of "Moscow To Kamchatka," but this time the track incorporates a darker
edge. The band's quirky egde surfaces through "Astrobird," an unnerving 'Popcornesque' vibe running through the
song before being swallowed by the other instruments. It offers a brief respite before Rocket Science slam your head against
the brick wall yet again. You know it's coming, you just don't know when but it feels damn good. The
theremin does have its starring moment, in the form of a song which can't actually be written because of the title's algebraic
composition. So you will just have to buy the album. Take a step outside the standard and get on board the 3C10. Rocket Science
will be taking off soon and you wouldn't want to miss the ride, would you? Bronwyn Thompson
TRIBE 2000 Although it may seem as if local act Rocket Science has virtually sprung out of nowhere, it's
members have been honing their craft in various bands for years: and it shows as their debut LP Welcome Aboard the 3C10 is
one of the most electrifying debut records to come out in years. armed with charisma, strut and personality,
rocket science are a rare breed. Their hi-octane garage meets fuzz punk style setd them apart from the pack, and armed with
a collection of short, sharp,attention seeking treats they deliver the goods time and time again. Hammond organ
dances awkwardley with shambolic drumming, dark and dirty guitar and the vocal wails of frontman Roman Tucker. It's rock flying
by the seat of its pants. Try not to get excited by Burn In Hell, the "look at me" lead off single: dance rigidly
to the gobsmackingly awesome Six Foot 4, and swagger boozed to Jet lag-Down the Pills. It's all here, and it's a fucking revelation.
And that's just the first three songs! Behold Melbourne's most exciting band. Ben Shepherd
Pop On Top Melbourne four piece Rocket Science have been touted as the most unlikely next big thing. However,
thats not to say that they arent any good. On the contrary, Rocket Science are one the best new Australian bands around. Its
just that this type of music doesnt often get this much exposure. Rocket Science are a strong combination of 60s garage and
spaceage music with the added panache of the John Spencer Blues Explosion. Although the main focus of the band is on the crazy
organ and freaked out therimen of lead singer Roman Tucker, Rocket Science are very tight outfit with the brilliant drumming
of Kit Warhurst and the understated guitar of Paul Mabury integral to the bands unique sound. A mixture of actual songs and
instrumentals, Welcome Aboard The 3C10 is a strong album from start to finish, justifying the hype that has accompanied the
band and this albums release. 8.5 /10